* Pick up from your hotel in Bavaro/Punta Cana/Bayahibe
* Air-conditioned bus ride to Miches
* Light breakfast (typical Dominican)
* Leaving the harbor from las Cañitas with our motorized catamaran
* Whale watching at least 2 hours
* Back to Miches to have lunch
* Bathing/swimming possibility at Coco Loco beach
* Bus ride back to your hotel
* Food, drinks, park fees included
Maximum 20 persons
Your guide speaks English/German/Spanish
Adults: 159 U$
Children until 12 years: 80 U$
Children until 3 years: free
Some more information about whales:
How big are humpback whales?
Humpback whales grow to between 15 and 19 metres in length (about the size of a bus) and weigh approximately 40 tons. One of their most noticeable and distinctive features are their long and ungainly-looking pectoral fins (flippers). These can grow to nearly 5 metres long, making them relatively the longest flippers of any baleen whale.
This feature is related in their Latin name, Megaptera novaeangliae, which means "big wing of New England." Although they may look overly long and cumbersome scientists have found that they are actually vey hydrodynamic and well adapted for manoeuvrability.
How do humpback whales reproduce?
Humpback whales have fairly complex courtship rituals that take place during the winter months. Before these can begin however, the whales must first congregate in the warm equatorial breeding waters, often travelling thousands of miles from their summer feeding grounds to find a mate. Once they arrive the males need to earn the right to mate with a female, and this involves often fierce competition. Unrelated males will group together to tail females and will fight each other around her, breaching, tail-slapping, and charging at one another. In doing so they hope to impress the female with their dominance and strength. Most of this fighting is for show however, and it is rare that they will cause each other serious physic harm. Singing also plays a part in reproduction. It is thought that males will use song to attract the female, as well as to show dominance. It may also have an important role in inducing oestrus in females. Once mating has occurred, the gestation period for female whales is 11.5 months. Once born, the calves are between 3 and 4.5 m long and weigh up to a ton.
Do humpback whales communicate?
Humpback whales are well known for their haunting, evocative calls or 'songs'. These complex sequences of moans, howls, and cries can last for hours and travel vast distances through the ocean. The exact function of humpback song's is not known, but there are many theories. As it is the male that produces the long complex songs (females have shorter vocalisations), and these are produced during the breeding season, it is speculated that they may function to attract females. It could also act as a challenge to other males. Yet another theory is that it has an ecolocative function, acting as a sonar, so that the whales can 'see' and navigate around their environment.
What do humpback whales eat?
Humpbacks are baleen whales, which means that they have a specialised filter feeding systems inside their mouths. They filter their food through baleen plates, which are made up of fringed brushes which grow in rows from the upper jaw. They take huge gulps of water into their mouths, then push the water out through the plates, trapping their prey inside. This prey is mainly made up of krill – small crustaceans, as well as other small invertebrates, but may also include small schooling fishes such as anchovies, sardines and mackerel. Some humpback whales use an ingenious cooperative method to trap fish called "bubble netting". These whales will dive below a school of fish then spiral back upwards blowing air bubbles as they go. As these bubbles rise they disorientate and trap the fish into a tight ball. The whales can then swim quickly upwards into the shoal and gulp down a concentrated mouthful of fish. This behaviour is often performed in groups, and is thought to be learned rather than instinctive, as some groups know how to do it and others don’t.
How long do humpback whales live?
As they don’t have teeth which could be used to estimate their age, it is hard to know how long they could live for. Some estimates say that they have a lifespan of approximately 50 years, whilst others say it could be up to 80.
The tour price is to be paid to the organizer on site.